Scholarship and Research in Science


Maloof, J. E. and R.A. Lindblom. 2010. Champion Trees of Maryland, with new records for Wicomico County. The Maryland Naturalist. 49 (1): 13-20.


Irwin, R.E. and J. E. Maloof. 2002. Nectar robbing: variation in time, space, and species. Oecologia. 133:525-533.

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Maloof, J. E. 2001. The effects of a bumble bee nectar robber on plant reproductive success and pollinator behavior. American Journal of Botany 88 (11): 1960-1965.

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Maloof, J. E. and D. W. Inouye. 2000. Are nectar robbers

cheaters or mutualists? Ecology 81 (10): 2651 - 2661.

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Maloof, J. E. 2000. The reproductive biology of a North American subalpine plant:

Corydalis caseana A. Gray subsp. brandegei (S. Watson) G. B. Ownbey. Plant Species Biology 15 (3): 281-288.

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 Scholarship and Research in Teaching

Maloof, J. E. 2006. Experience this! The experiential approach to teaching environmental issues. Applied Environmental Education and Communication 5: 193-197 [full text pdf file]


Maloof, J. E. and V. K. B. White. 2005. Team study training in the college biology laboratory. Journal of Biological Education 39(3): 120-124.

[full text pdf file].


Maloof, J. E. 2004. Using the Jigsaw Method of Cooperative Learning to Teach from Primary Sources. Inventio: Creative Thinking about Learning and Teaching. 6(1).

(full text link)


Scholarship and Research in Interdisciplinary Integration


Maloof, Joan. 2011. (Release date May 17)  Among the Ancients: Adventures in the Eastern Old Growth. Ruka Press, Washington, D.C.


Maloof, Joan. 2010.  Measuring the Beauty of Forests. International Journal of Environmental Studies 67 (3): 431-437. [full text pdf file]


Maloof, Joan 2008. The Naming of Things. Environmental Philosophy 5(2): 17-20


Maloof, J. E. 2008. Teaching the trees: How to be a female nature writer.  In: Women Writing Nature. Ed. Barbara.Cook, Rowan & Littlefield: Lanham. 109-118.(more information)


Maloof, J. E. 2006. The Thing Itself, under Asphalt. Environmental Philosophy 3 (2): 5-7. (full personal file)


Maloof, J. E. 2005. Take a Deep Breath. New Scientist 6 August 2005: 44-45 (full text MHTML file)


Maloof, J. E. 2005. Teaching the Trees: Lessons from the Forest. University of Georgia Press.Athens, GA. (more information)


Maloof, J. E. 2005. Things of the World: Snails and Sweet Gum. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment  12.1: 167-176.


Maloof, J. E. 2004. De-evolution and Transhumanism. In: Writing the Future - Progress and Evolution. Ed. David Rothenberg and Wandee Pryor, Terra Nova, MIT Press: Cambridge. 213-220.(more information)


Maloof, J. E. 2003. Old-Growth Air. A Journal of the Built and Natural Environments  14: Winter/Spring 2004

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