Electric Charge,  
 Fields, & Energy
Joe's Home Physics 123 Syllabus Lectures Units Reviews

PHYSICS 123 – Unit 1
Electric Charge, Fields, & Energy
Fall 2002


Sections 16.0 - 16.9

Sections 17.0 - 17.10


Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Questions– 2,4,10,18
Problems – 3,11*,13,16,19,24,30,31,44,49,51
Extra Credit – 43,53

Questions – 4,6,13
Problems – 2,15,18,21,40,41,47,71
Extra Credit – 45,66

* - Special Instructions: Only calculate net force acting on +48µC charge.

Assignment Dates


Due Dates

Reading Quiz (Chapter 16)**

Monday, September 9

Reading Quiz (Chapter 17)

Monday, September 16

Homework Due (Chapter 16)

Wednesday, September 18, by 5:00 p.m

Homework Due (Chapter 17)

Wednesday, September 25, by 5:00 p.m.

Quiz on Unit 1

Wednesday, September 25

 **This Reading Quiz will not be graded. It will be for practice only.
***Homework may be turned in during class, or placed in the box outside of my office before 5:00 p.m.


What are some characteristics of electric charge? What are insulators and conductors? What does it mean to induce charge. What does is mean to conduct charge? What is Coulomb's law and how is it used? What direction is the force described by Coulomb's law? What is an electric field? How is it related to electric force? What are the characteristics of electric field lines? How is charge distributed on a conductor? Which of the quantities introduced in this chapter are vectors and which are scalars?


What is electric potential? What is electric potential energy? Are electric potential and electric potential energy the same thing? How does the electric potential relate to the electric field? What are characteristics of equipotential surfaces? How much work is required to move a charge along an equipotential surface? What surfaces are always equipotentials? What is an electric dipole? What is a capacitor? How much charge is on a capacitor? What are some characteristics of a capacitor? How do dielectrics affect capacitors? Which quantities introduced in this chapter are vectors and which are scalars? What are the SI units introduced in this chapter?


Developer: Dr. Joseph W. Howard
Salisbury University
Last modified August 26, 2002 @10:24EST
Copyright © Joseph W. Howard. All rights reserved.
Salisbury, Maryland 21801-6862