Currents & Resistors
Joe's Home Physics 123 Syllabus Lectures Units Reviews

PHYSICS 123 - Unit 2
Capacitance, Currents, & Resistors
Fall 2002


Sections 18.1 – 18.7

Sections 19.2,19.5 – 19.8


Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Questions 5,15

Problems 8,13,19,24,33,61

Questions 1,2,17

Problems 2,3,7,43,44

assignment Dates


Due Dates

Reading Quiz (Chapter 18)

Friday, September 27

Reading Quiz (Chapter 19)


Homework Due

All Chapter 18
Chapter 19 - Q1,2,17,P2,3,7

Wednesday, October 2, by 5:00 p.m

Homework Due (Chapter 19 - P43,44)

Monday, October 7, by 5:00 p.m.

Exam #1 - Units 1 & 2

Monday, October 7

Homework may be turned in during class, or placed in the box outside of my office before 5:00 p.m. on the date it is due. If you wish to have your homework to help you study for the exam, I suggest you photocopy your homework and compare your work to the posted solutions.


What is electric current?  What is required for current to flow?  Which direction does conventional current flow?  What is Ohm's law?  When is it applicable?  What is resistance?  What is resistivity?  How is the relationship between resistance and resisitivity?  What is superconductivity?  How is electric power different or similar to power discussed in chapter 6? 


What does it mean for electronic components (resistors, capacitors, batteries, etc.) to be placed in series and in parallel?  If resistors are placed in series what electrical value is the same for the two resistors?  What about when placed in parallel?  What is an emf?  How do batteries in series and in parallel work?  If capacitors are placed in series what electrical value is the same for the two capacitors?  What about when placed in parallel?  Does direct current flow through a capacitor?  Why or why not?  What does a capacitor do when it is placed in a direct current circuit?  What is the purpose of a three pronged electrical plug?


Developer: Dr. Joseph W. Howard
Salisbury University
Last modified August 26, 2002 @10:24EST
Copyright © Joseph W. Howard. All rights reserved.
Salisbury, Maryland 21801-6862