Animal communication signals form some of the most elaborate traits in the animal kingdom. These signals often consist of complex multimodal constituents that include both morphological and behavioral components. Our lab is generally interested in how these signals evolve and we are especially interested in how cognitive perception and individual behavior drive complex signal evolution.

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Mate Choice Activity

We have developed a short lesson on frog acoustic communication and mate choice as part of our ongoing outreach efforts. See it here.

Panama K-12 Curriculum

We contributed to amphibian conservation lesson plans at Gamboa field site, intended for schoolchildren visiting the lab. Get a copy of the curriculum here.

Species information uploaded

Entries for all three of our major focal species have been added, complete with vocalizations, representative images, and rangemaps. Find them here.

Lab News

Welcome Derek Coss!

The Taylor-Hunter Lab welcomes new MSc student Derek Coss! Derek received his BSc from the University of Maryland Baltimore County

Congratulations Megan!

Megan accepted a faculty position at Indiana University.

Matt Begins Doctoral Program

Matt Murphy is beginning his PhD this fall in the Erica Westerman Lab at the University of Arkansas. He will be studying visual communication in tropical butterflies.

In The Media


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1101 Camden Avenue
Salisbury, MD 21801