Eugene D. Hahn - Biographical Sketch
Dr. Gene Hahn is a Full Professor in the
Department of Information and
Sciences at Salisbury University.
His research interests include management decision making, Bayesian inference, and international operations including offshoring and global supply chain management.
He has authored the book "Bayesian Methods for Management and Business: Pragmatic Solutions for Real Problems". He is also a Certified Analytics Professional (INFORMS) -- contact him about your business analytics project needs. Dr. Hahn was the founding Director of Salisbury University's first Innovation Lab where students could develop their own products using 3D printing and Arduino microcontrollers. He has also started a Bayesian book review blog for business and management readers here.
Courses - Spring, 2025
INFO 326-003 - Operations Management, PH 350
INFO 326-005 - Operations Management, PH 371
INFO 281-006 - Intermediate Business Statistics, PH 352
INFO 326-003 - Operations Management, PH 362
INFO 326-004 - Operations Management, PH 362
Selected Publications
Hahn, E.D. & Massini, S. (2024). Cross-border and domestic early-stage financial investment in 3D printing: An empirical perspective on drivers and locations. Journal of International Management, 30(5), 101172.
Hahn, E.D. (2022). The tilted beta-binomial distribution in overdispersed data: Maximum likelihood and Bayesian Estimation. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 16, Article Number 43. Pre-print. (related computational resources for the tilted beta and tilted beta-binomial distributions available here)
Hahn, E.D. (2021). Regression modeling with the tilted beta distribution: A Bayesian approach. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 49(2), 262-282. (related computational resources for the tilted beta and tilted beta-binomial distributions available here)
Hahn, E.D. & Ang, S.H. (2017). From the editors: New directions in the reporting of statistical results in the Journal of World Business. Journal of World Business, 52(2), 125-126. Pre-print.
Hahn, E.D. & Lopez Martin, M.d.M. (2015). Robust project management with the tilted beta distribution. SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 39(2), 253-272.
Hahn, E.D. (2014). Bayesian Methods for Management and Business: Pragmatic Solutions for Real Problems. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
Bunyaratavej, K. & Hahn, E.D. (2012). Offshoring of services from developing countries: The new wave of emerging offshorers. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 3(2), 1-12.
Parente, R.C., Baack, D.W., & Hahn, E.D. (2011). The effect of supplier integration, modular production, and cultural distance on new product development: A dynamic capabilities approach.
Journal of International Management, 17(4), 278-290.
Hahn, E.D. & Bunyaratavej, K. (2011). Offshoring of information-based services: Structural breaks in industry life cycles. Service Science, 3(3), 239-255. Pre-print.
Bunyaratavej, K., Doh, J.P., Hahn, E.D., Lewin, A. Y. & Massini, S. (2011). Conceptual issues in services offshoring research: A multidisciplinary
Group & Organization Management, 36(1), 70-102.
Hahn, E.D., Bunyaratavej, K. & Doh, J.P. (2011). Impacts of risk and service type on nearshore and offshore investment location decisions: An empirical approach.
Management International Review, 51(3), 357-380.
Hahn, E.D. & Bunyaratavej, K. (2010). Services cultural alignment in offshoring: The impact of cultural dimensions on offshoring location choices.
Journal of Operations Management, 28(3), 186-193. Abstract.
Hahn, E.D. (2010). Judgmental consistency and consensus in stochastic multicriteria decision making.
Expert Systems with Applications, 37(5), 3784-3791.
Doh, J.P., Bunyaratavej, K., & Hahn, E.D. (2009). Separable but not equal: The location determinants of discrete services offshoring activities.
Journal of International Business Studies, 40(6), 926-943.
Hahn, E.D., Doh, J.P., & Bunyaratavej, K. (2009). The evolution of risk in IS
offshoring: The impact of home country risk, firm learning and competitive
dynamics. MIS Quarterly, 33(3), 597-616.
Doh, J.P. & Hahn, E.D. (2008). Using spatial methods in strategy research. Organizational Research Methods, 11(4), 659-681.
Bunyaratavej, K., Hahn, E.D. & Doh, J.P. (2008). Multinational investment and host country development: Location efficiencies for services offshoring. Journal of World Business, 43(2), 227-242. Abstract.
Hahn, E.D. & Knott, C.L. (2008). Assessing quality improvement initiatives when
expert judgements are uncertain. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(2), 252-258. Pre-print.
Hahn, E.D. (2008). Mixture densities for project management activity times: A robust approach to PERT.
European Journal of Operational Research, 188(2), 450-459. Pre-print.
Bunyaratavej, K., Hahn, E.D. & Doh, J.P. (2007). International offshoring of services: A parity study,
Journal of International Management, 13(1), 7-21. Abstract.
Hahn, E.D. & Doh, J.P. (2006). Using Bayesian methods in strategy research: An extension of Hansen et al.
Strategic Management Journal, 27(8), 783-798. Abstract. Pre-print.
Hahn, E.D. (2006).
Re-examining informative prior elicitation through the
lens of Markov Chain Monte Carlo,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 169(1), 37-48.
Hahn, E.D. (2006).
Link function selection in stochastic multicriteria decision making models,
European Journal of Operational Research, 172(1), 86-100.
Bunyaratavej, K. & Hahn, E.D. (2005). An
integrative approach to measuring economic convergence: The
case of the European Union, Global Economy Journal, 5(2), 8. Abstract.
Phillips-Wren, G.E., Hahn, E.D. & Forgionne, G.A. (2004).
A multiple-criteria framework for evaluation of decision support systems,
Omega, 32(4), 323-332.
Hahn, E.D. (2003). Decision making with uncertain judgments: A stochastic formulation of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Decision Sciences, 34(3), 443-466.
Bunyaratavej, K. & Hahn, E.D. (2003). Convergence and its implications for a common
currency in ASEAN, ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 20(1), 49-59.
Josephs, R.A. & Hahn, E.D. (1995). Bias and accuracy in estimates of
task duration. Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes,
61, 202-213.
† - Financial Times 40 Journal list.
Selected Recent Presentations
Hahn, E.D. and Doh, J.P. (2023). Imputing missing values in y ∈ [0, 1] data using
endpoint-heterogenous beta regression modeling: Contemporary enhancements of a classic scale, presented at the New Frontiers in Reliability and Risk Analysis Symposium: A Tribute to
Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Washington, DC, Oct. 14th.
Hahn, E.D. (2022). Regression modeling of percentage data with endpoint values, presented at the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, Houston, TX, Nov. 20th.
Hahn, E.D. (2022). Bayesian regression modeling of 0-1 data having boundary values, presented at the 2022 Joint Statistical Meetings, Washington, DC, Aug. 9th.
Hahn, E.D. (2021). Unconditional and conditional regression modeling with the tilted beta distribution, presented at the 2021 World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, June 30th.
Hahn, E.D. (2020). A Bayesian latent class formulation of the tilted beta-binomial distribution, presented at the Virtual 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nov. 12.
Hahn, E.D. (2020). Bayesian modeling of overdispersed data with the tilted beta binomial distribution, presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings Virtual Conference, Aug. 5. Presentation slides.
Hahn, E.D. (2017). Bayesian regression modeling with the tilted beta distribution, presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, July 31, Baltimore, MD.
Hahn, E.D. (2017). Performing Bayesian statistics in management research. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Aug. 5, Atlanta.
Hahn, E.D. (2017). Algebraic approaches and Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations for estimation of Bayesian posterior distributions. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Aug. 5, Atlanta.
Address: Department of Information and Decision Sciences Perdue
School of Business Salisbury University Salisbury, MD 21801 Phone: (410)
548-3315 Fax: (410) 546-6208 Physical Address:
Perdue Hall 335