Upsilon Pi Epsilon
Salisbury University Chapter


      Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) is an international honor society in computing and information disciplines. It is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), and affiliated with the two largest computer organizations in the world, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society. It is also a charter member of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES). The mission of Salisbury University Chapter of UPE is to stimulate students' interest in computer science, promote high scholarship, and recognize academic excellence. The UPE SU chapter was established in Spring 2017. Computer science students are eligible for membership by completing at least 60 semester hours of undergraduate credit including 16 semester hours in the computer science courses, an overall grade point average of at least 3.0, a grade point average of at least 3.0 in all computer science coursework, and must rank in the top 35 percent of computer science students at SU.

Students Eligibility:

Faculty Eligibility:

International Honor Society for the Computing and Information Disciplines