Study Abroad India


CMAT 399 International Studies in Communication

  Host Institution Excursions Application/Cost Pictures




Study Abroad: India 

We will be based in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra, the financial capital of India. Mumbai is also the commercial and entertainment center of India: The city houses India's vast Hindi film and television industry, known as Bollywood. (Mumbai was the setting for the Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire.) 

Mumbai's business opportunities, as well as its high standard of living, attract migrants from all over India and, in turn, make the city a potpourri of many communities and cultures. Mumbai, thus, provides a perfect locale for immersion studies.




During our time in Mumbai, we will be staying at the International House in Mumbai Central. Rooms are double occupancy, air conditioned and have attached bathrooms. It also has laundry service and internet.


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