Class Schedule

cmat 131     sharma

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Class Schedule
Sample Formats


Sep      06        No Class

13        Orientation. Logistics.  Assign 1:  Audience Analysis                             

20        Audience Analysis DUE.       Assign 2: Script for Radio ad    Reading1 pgs 1- 16     

            27        Radio ad DUE.                       Assign 3:  Script for TV ad.      Reading2 pgs 66– 90

Oct      04        TV ad DUE.                            Assign 4:  News Analysis          Reading3 pgs 90-115

11        News Analysis DUE.             Assign 5:  Radio News             Reading4  pgs 29 - 44

            18                                                        Assign 6 : TV news.                  Reading5 pgs 120 -155

            25        Concept/ Scene Outline                                                            Reading6 pgs 167-180

Nov     01        Scene Outline Due.                Assign 7:  Treatment                 Reading7 pgs 345– 360

08        Treatment                                                                                 Reading8 pgs 360-39

15        Treatment DUE.                    Assign 8:  Screenplay                Reading9 pgs 45 – 65  

22        Screenplay                                                                               Reading10 pgs 406– 426

29        Screenplay

Dec      06        Screenplay DUE end of class.           End of session.                                                                       

Readings:  Read the assigned chapter/s and summarize the content in one double-spaced typed page.  Submit the summary on the day listed. Each reading is worth 2.5 points.

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