writing for broadcasting

cmat 131     sharma

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Class Schedule
Sample Formats
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Sharma
E-mail: axsharma@salisbury.edu
Office: FH 205
Phone: (410) 677-5037
Fax:                           (410) 548-3002
Off Hrs:                     Tue/Thu  11 - 12:30p  and by appointment    

This course will introduce you to the processes and skillsrequired to plan, design and write material for the broadcast media. You will study the formalistic elements of the media and complete the required writing projects. These projects are designed to provide you with practical experience in planning and then writing material that persuade, inform and entertain audiences. The fundamentals of good writing are stressed: vocabulary, syntax, clarity and the logical flow of ideas.  Emphasis is placed on the effective use of the audiovisual language, script formats and the relationship between the treatment and the writer's script.


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