MATH 506 Selected Topics:  Mathematical Reasoning

Spring 2003 Assignments

View the "Guidelines for Written Work."

Each assignment you submit must be enclosed in a cover sheet employing a prescribed format.  Information on "The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets" can be found by following one of the following links.

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The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets (Netscape)
The Prescribed Format for Lesson Plans

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Assignment #1 - Due on Tuesday, February 4

1)  Get your computer account activated.  (You should change your initial password.)  Access
your Groupwise e-mail account and send an e-mail message to your instructor.  If you have
another e-mail account that you prefer to use, go through the steps to have your SU Groupwise
e-mail forwarded to that preferred account.
2)  Log in on the campus computer system and do the following:
a. Use Netscape or Internet Explorer to access your instructor's web page. Find the home
    page for this course.
b. Follow the appropriate links and read the "Tentative Course Syllabus," "Guidelines for Written Work,"
    and the "Instructors' Policies."
c.  Explore some of the links for this course at
3)  Read A.D. Garner's chapter "A Cautionary Note," on pp. 10-17  in Discrete Mathematics Across the Curriculum, K-12 [NCTM, 1991].
(4)  Work through Burrell et. al.'s Chapter 20 "Recursive Thinking: A Method for Problem Solving," on pp. 166-170 in [NCTM, 1991].  Write up a discussion of the relationship between the problem discussed in the chapter and the problem about triangular numbers that  we discussed in class session #1 on Tuesday, January 28.

Assignment #2 - Due on Tuesday, February 11

1.  Carefully review Polya's four-step problem solving process.  Look at the link
(2.)  Write up an illustration of  Polya's four-step process in addressing the "Counting Triangles Problem" stated at

Assignment #3 - Due on Tuesday, February 18

(1.)  Create a problem solving lesson appropriate for middle school students.  Your lesson should be based on a problem similar to the "Counting Triangles Problem" we have been considering.  Your geometric design need not be based on triangles.  You may decide it would be better to work with squares or some other geometric shape.  Design your lesson plan using the format prescribed for this course.  In addressing the "Appropriate Content Standards Connections" follow the links to
Maryland State Content Standards for Mathematics and Maryland Learning Outcomes and relate your lesson to some Maryland standards or prescribed learning outcomes.  Alternatively, you may relate your lesson to some NCTM Standards.
(2.)  Read Chapter 3 "Strengthening a K-8 Mathematics Program with Discrete Mathematics" in [NCTM, 1991].  Write up a one or two paragraph reaction to the chapter.  You may comment on terms or concepts that are not meaningful to you.  You may comment on any topics that you would like to see explored or developed more fully.
3.  If you will want to have your own version of Logo on your home computer, visit the site Welcome to MSW Logo and learn about available resources.  If you have a Mac computer, then you should visit Brian Harvey's web site for a Mac version of Logo.

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Assignment #4 - Due on Tuesday, February 25

1.  Read Chapter 4 "Graph Chasing Across the Curriculum: Path Circuits, and Applications" in [NCTM, 1991].  Identify an activity you will develop based on the content of the chapter and appropriate for middle school students.  Start working on a lesson plan for that activity.  Go to  and review the NCTM's Representation Standard for grades 6-8.  Comment on how the activites suggested in Chapter 4 relate to that standard.
2.  Work through the activites in the workshop handout "Problem Solving with Discrete Mathematics."  Try to complete the summary tables on page 7 of that handout.
3.  Try to continue working through the materials titled "Getting Started with Logo."

Assignment #5 - Due on Tuesday, March 11

1.  Write up a lesson plan for a lesson, or series of lessons, based on a topic introduced in Chapter 4 "Graph Chasing Across the Curriculum: Path Circuits, and Applications" in [NCTM, 1991].  (You started working on this plan in Assignment #4.)
2.  Read pp. 87-the first paragraph on p.90 of Chapter 11 "Graph Theory in the High School Curriculum" in [NCTM , 1991].
3.  Visit the web site and consider the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle.  Look for a relationship between the number of disks and the minimum number of moves to complete the prescribed task.  Once you have figured out either a recursive relationship or an explicit direct computational relationship (functional equation, closed form solution), write up a solution to the following problem in a way that illustrates application of Polya's four-step problem solving process:

         Suppose one starts with a tower of 32 disks in the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle and moves one disk
        each second.  If one accomplishes the task of moving the tower of disks in the minimum number
        of moves how long will it take to complete the task?

4.  Try to work through the activities in "Getting Started with Logo."  If you progress to Lesson 10 you will be introduced to recursion in Logo.  You may find it necessary to use "CTRL/G" to stop program execution rather than "CTRL/Break."
5.  Continue the task of organizing your porfolio.
6.  Provide peer reactions to some lesson plans.

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Assignment #6 - Due on Tuesday, April 8

1.  So far we have considered the following chapters in [NCTM, 1991]:  Chapter 2 (Assignment 1), Chapter 3 (Assignment 3), Chapter 4 (Assignment 4), part of Chapter 11 (Assignment 5), and Chapter 20 (Assignment 1).  Read the following chapters in [NCTM, 1991] and respond as requested.
a.  Read Chapter 1 "Discrete Mathematics: The Math for Our Time."  Consider the list of topics proposed for a high school course on pp. 7-8. Identify those topics that you think might be introduced at some level of abstraction in the middle school.  Also, identify those words in the list that have no meaning to you.
b.  Consider the survey problem on p. 21 in Chapter 3.  Employ a Venn diagram in addressing the three questions.
c.  During class session five we considered a problem where we were to determine the number of cats, dogs, and birds in a pet store given the number of legs and heads the relationship between the number of dogs and the number of cats.  Read Chapter 6 "Discrete Mathematics in the Traditional Middle School Curriculum," and then propose a problem appropriate for pre-algebra middle school children similar to the problem we considered in class or similar to one of the two problems introduced in the chapter.  Suggest how middle school children might "think like mathematicians" in approaching and solving your problem.
d.  Read the the following sections in Chapter 9 "Discrete Mathematics: An Exciting and Necessary Addition to the Secondary School Curriculum."  Consider the section on "Graph Theory" on pp. 69-70.  Consider the section on "Difference Equations" on pp. 71-72.  Identify those concepts you would like explained further.
e.  Read pp. 87-first paragraph on p. 90 in Chapter 11 "Graph Theory in the High School Curriculum."  Research Euler's solution to the Koingsberg bridges problem and apply that method to the problem of walking through all the doorways introduced in class in February 26.  Both problems can be found on the course web site at  You might visit the web site at  for a brief tutorial on graph theory including Euler circuits and paths.
2.  Please keep working through the material on Logo.
3.  Develop another lesson appropriate for middle school children on a discrete math topic.  Choose a topic related to graph theory, counting, Venn Diagrams, or pattern recognition employing recursive thinking.  Use the prescribed lesson plan format provided for you at
4.  Visit the NCTM web site and consider the NCTM's "Reasoning and Proof Standard for Grades 6–8."

Assignment #7 - Due on Tuesday, April 15

1.  Do visit the web site  and work through the three tutorials -
"Introduction to Graph Theory," "Euler Circuits and Paths," and "Coloring Problems."
2.  Read "Formulating Algorithms" on pp. 93-94 in Chapter 11 of [NCTM, 1991].  Relate that topic to the tutorial on "Coloring Problems" you completed and our discussion of algorithms.
3.  Develop a lesson related to an aspect of graph theory that is appropriate for middle school students.  Use the prescribed lesson plan format.

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Assignment #8 - Due on Tuesday, April 22

1.  Revisit the NCTM web site specifying the standards for reasoning and proof for grades 6-8.
That site is at
2.  Revist the site where under the "Maryland State Content Standards for Mathematics" it is specifed what students should be able to do under the category of "Reasoning."
Those standards are stated at
3.  Revisit the site where under Maryland Learning Outcomes the "Math Process" outcomes for K-8 are specified.  Those outcomes are specified at
4.  Strart working through the on-line logic text "Introduction to Logic" by Warner and Costenoble.  In particular, try to complete at least the first four sections.  Work a few of the exercises for each section you complete. The text can be found at
5.  Read Chapter 1 "The Truth of It All" in the Solow text [S, 2002].

Assignment #9 - Due on Tuesday, April 29

1.  Continue working through the on-line logic text. Finish as many sections as you can and work some of the exercises.
2.  Read through pp. 9-15 of the Solow text [S, 2002].
3.  Try to do Exercise 2.23 on page 22 of [S, 2002].

Assignment #10 - Due on Tuesday, May 6

1.  Continue working through the on-line logic text. Finish as many sections as you can and work some of the exercises.
2,  Read through Chapter 3 of the Solow text [S, 2002].
3.  Try to work Exercise 3.1.a., 3.1.c., 3.7(a,b, c), and 3.10.

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