MATH 506 Selected Topics:  Mathematical Reasoning

Summer 2005 Assignments


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The Prescribed Format for Lesson Plans

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Assignment #1 - Due on Thursday, June 23


(1)  Get your computer account activated.  (You should change your initial password.)  Access your Groupwise e-mail account and send an e-mail message to your instructor.  If you have another e-mail account that you prefer to use, go through the steps to have your SU Groupwise  e-mail forwarded to that preferred account.

(2)  Log in on the campus computer system and do the following:

(3)  Read A.D. Garner's Chapter 1 "A Cautionary Note," on pp. 10-17  in Discrete Mathematics Across the Curriculum, K-12 [NCTM, 1991].
(4)  Work through Burrell et. al.'s Chapter 20 "Recursive Thinking: A Method for Problem Solving," on pp. 166-170 in [NCTM, 1991].  Write up a discussion of the relationship between the problem discussed in the chapter and the problem about triangular numbers that  we discussed in class session #1 on Tuesday, June 21.

(5)  Carefully review Polya's four-step problem solving process.  Look at the link
(6)  Write up an illustration of  Polya's four-step process in addressing the "Counting Triangles Problem" stated at

(7)  Read the article "Twenty Questions about Mathematical Reasoning"   The article is found by following one of the "Links for this Course."  Jot down a few brief remarks or questions in reaction to Steen's article.


Assignment #2 - Due on Monday, June 27

(1.)  Describe a problem solving lesson, or two, appropriate for middle school students that you plan to create.  Your lesson may be based on a problem similar to the "Counting Triangles Problem" we have been considering.  However, you may choose any appropriate topic - perhaps one suggested by a reading or something you found on a web site.  You should design your lesson plan using the format prescribed for this course.  When you address the "Appropriate Content Standards Connections" follow the links to Maryland State Content Standards for Mathematics and Maryland Learning Outcomes and plan to relate your lesson to some Maryland standards or prescribed learning outcomes.  Alternatively, you may relate your lesson to some NCTM Standards.
(2.)  Read Chapter 3 "Strengthening a K-8 Mathematics Program with Discrete Mathematics" in [NCTM, 1991].  Write up a one or two paragraph reaction to the chapter.  You may comment on terms or concepts that are not meaningful to you.  You may comment on any topics that you would like to see explored or developed more fully.
(3.)  Read Chapter 4 "Graph Chasing Across the Curriculum: Path Circuits, and Applications" in [NCTM, 1991].  Identify an activity based on the content of the chapter and appropriate for middle school students that you would like to investigate further.  Go to  and review the NCTM's Representation Standard for grades 6-8.  Comment on how the activities suggested in Chapter 4 relate to that standard.
(4)  Vsit the web site  and start working through the three tutorials - "Introduction to Graph Theory," "Euler Circuits and Paths," and "Coloring Problems."


Assignment #3 - Due on Wednesday, June 29


(1)  Write up a lesson plan for a lesson, or lessons, you started working on in Assignment #2.)

(2)  Read pp. 87-the first paragraph on p.90 of Chapter 11 "Graph Theory in the High School Curriculum" in [NCTM , 1991].

(3)  Visit the web site and consider the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle.  Look for a relationship between the number of disks and the minimum number of moves to complete the prescribed task.  Once you have figured out either a recursive relationship or an explicit direct computational relationship (functional equation, closed form solution), write up a solution to the following problem in a way that illustrates application of Polya's four-step problem solving process:

         Suppose one starts with a tower of 32 disks in the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle and moves one disk
         each second.  If one accomplishes the task of moving the tower of disks in the minimum number
         of moves how long will it take to complete the task?


(4)  So far we have considered the following chapters in [NCTM, 1991]:  Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, part of Chapter 11, and Chapter 20.  Read the following chapters in [NCTM, 1991] and respond as requested.

(5)  Work through the on-line logic text "Introduction to Logic" by Warner and Costenoble.  Work a few of the exercises for each section you complete. The text can be found at


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