PascGalois JE is a platform independent program developed for the exploration of one and two dimensional cellular automata over finite group structures. The supported group structures are Zn, Zn (under multiplication), Dn, Sn, the Quaternions, Qn (Generalized Quaternions) and Cn (Dicyclic groups). This is a Java application, so if the Java JRE is not installed on your computer download and install the current version of the Java JRE (Version 8 or later). You can get the most current version at the Java Web Site.
Instructions: Download and run the PascGaloisJE_Setup.exe program and follow the instructions on the screen. This will place links to the PascGalois JE program in your Start menu.
Instructions: Both the Linux and Mac distributions are as a single executable jar file that, in most cases, will run natively on these platforms. Download and unzip the file, the new folder will contain the executable jar PascGalois.jar, as well as the license and program icon (png image file). You can also run the application using the following command.
java -jar PascGalois.jar
To create a shortcut/menu-item please refer to the documentation for your operating system.
Instructions: The Java Archive (Executable JAR file) can be downloaded using the Linux & Mac download link above.