The PascGalois Project: Visualizing Abstract Mathematics
PascGalois JE
PascGalois JE is a platform independent program developed for the exploration of one and two dimensional cellular automata over finite group structures. The supported group structures are Zn, Zn (under multiplication), Dn, Sn, the Quaternions, Qn (Generalized Quaternions) and Cn (Dicyclic groups).

PascGalois Zn
PascGalois Zn is a platform independent program developed for the exploration of one and two dimensional cellular automata over Zn. This program allows you to use update rules that employ both addition and multiplication.

Pascal GT
The Pascal GT program is the original cellular automata explorer developed for the Windows operating system by Dr. Kathleen Shannon. The Pascal GT program graphs both finite and infinite cellular automata over finite group structures in both one and two dimensions.