Eric B. Liebgold Publications
*denotes undergraduate co-author
** denotes graduate student co-author
Click on titles for pdfs
Neville RA*, Boyd M**,
Liebgold EB
, and TS Ransom. 2020. Ground-nesting warblers on the eastern shore of Maryland: declining poplation trends and the effects of forest composition and structure. Acta Ornithologica 54:201-213
Liebgold EB
and KL Carleton. 2020. The right light: Tiger salamander capture rates and spectral sensitivity. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:68-76.
Liebgold EB
. 2019. A tale of two tails: A rare occurrence of tail bifurcation in the red-backed salamander (
Plethodon cinereus
). Herpetological Bulletin 148:35-36.
Liebgold EB
, HL Liebgold, MJ Ransom, and TS Ransom. 2019. The spread of the parthenogenetic Mourning Gecko,
Lepidodactylus lugubris,
to Paradise Island, The Bahamas, with comments on citizen science observations of non-native herpetofauna. Bioinvasions Records 8:45-49.
Liebgold EB
, NM Gerlach, and ED Ketterson. 2019. Density-dependent fitness, not dispersal movements, drives temporal variation in spatial genetic structure in dark-eyed juncos (
Junco hyemalis
). Molecular Ecology 28:968-979.
Liebgold EB
, CF Kramer*, TC Roomian*, GM Dolezar*, and PR Cabe. 2018. Heterzygosity-behavior and heterozygosity-fitness correlations in a salamander with limited dispersal. Population Ecology 60:251-260.
Grant AH**, TS Ransom, and
EB Liebgold
. 2018. Differential survival and the effects of avian predation on a color polymorphic species, the red-backed salamander (
Plethodon cinereus
). Journal of Herpetology 52:127-135.
Grant AH** and
EB Liebgold
. 2017.
Color-biased dispersal inferred by fine-scale genetic spatial autocorrelation in a color polymorphic salamander. Journal of Heredity 108:588–593
Biddle JR*, AH Grant** and
EB Liebgold
. 2017. Factors affecting the growth of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders,
Plethodon cinereus
. Herpetologica 73:89-93
Liebgold EB
. 2014. The influence of social environment: behavior of unrelated adults affects future juvenile behaviors. Ethology 120:388-399.
Liebgold EB
, NM Gerlach, & ED Ketterson. 2013. Similarity in temporal variation in sex-biased dispersal over short and long distances in the dark-eyed junco,
Junco hyemalis.
Molecular Ecology 22:5548-5560.
Buderman, FE* and
EB Liebgold
. 2012. Effect of search method and age class on mark-recapture parameter estimation in salamanders. Population Ecology 54:157-167
Liebgold EB
and CJ Dibble*. 2011. Better the devil you know: familiarity affects foraging activity of red-backed salamanders. Animal Behaviour 82:1059-1066
Liebgold EB
, ED Brodie III, and PR Cabe. 2011. Female philopatry and male sex-biased dispersal in a direct-developing salamander,
P. cinereus
. Molecular Ecology 20:249-257
Ousterhout, BH* and
EB Liebgold
. 2010. Limited dispersal and site tenacity in adults and juveniles of a territorial salamander,
Plethodon cinereus
. Herpetologica 66: 269-275
Liebgold EB
and PR Cabe. 2008. Familiarity with adults, but not relatedness, affects the growth of juveniles of Plethodon cinereus, a territorial salamander. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63:277-284
Roberts, AM* and
EB Liebgold
. 2008. The effects of perceived mortality risk on habitat selection in a terrestrial salamander. Behavioral Ecology 19:621-626
Liebgold EB
and RG Jaeger. 2007. Juvenile movements and potential inter-age class associations of red-backed salamanders. Herpetologica 63:51-55
Liebgold EB
, PR Cabe, RG Jaeger, and PL Leberg. 2006. Multiple paternity in a salamander with socially monogamous behaviour. Molecular Ecology 15:4153-4160