Labs and such





Due: 2/5 Thursday

Redo lab:

Due 2/12 by 7 if given back 2/9

Due 2/13 by 5pm if given back 2/9

   Lab1- Limit lab  

Due : 2/25 Wednesday by 7 pm



Lab 2- Plotting lab



       Due: 3/4 Thursday by 7pm
             Lab 3: Position, Velocity, Acceleration   


    Due: 3/11 Thursday by 7pm



Lab 4: Limits at infinity and graphing techniques             Due: 4/9  Friday by 4pm
Lab 5: Implicit functions and their rates of change           

Due: 4/19, Monday by 7pm


  Lab 6: Linear approximation using the tangent line        Due: 4/30, Friday by 4pm
Final lab: Smart plotting        Due: 5/14, Friday by 5pm (per D.G.s request)


Bonus lab (replaces a bad lab grade)-

Newton's method

        Due: 5/14, Friday by 5pm