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Dr. Joerg Tuske
Department of Philosophy




Curriculum Vitae

Department of Philosophy



Curriculum Vitae




Edited book:

  • Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics (London: Bloomsbury, 2017, ISBN: 9781472529534)


Articles in journals:

  • “Teaching by Example: An Interpretation of the Role of Upamana in Early Nyaya Philosophy”, Asian Philosophy, 18.1: 1-15, 2008
  • “Being in Two Minds: The Divided Mind in the Nyayasutras”, Asian Philosophy, 9.3: 229-238, 1999
  • “Dignaga and the Raven Paradox”, Journal of Indian Philosophy, 26.5: 387-403, 1998


Articles in anthologies:

  • “A General Introduction to Buddhist Logic”, in Handbook of Logical Thought in India, ed. by Sundar Sarukkai (Delhi: Springer India, 2017)
  • “Introduction: Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics”, in Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics, ed. by Joerg Tuske (London: Bloomsbury, 2017), pp. 1-9
  •  “The No-Self Theory and Problems in Philosophy of Mind”, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy, ed. by Steven Emmanuel (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, April 2013), pp. 419-428
  • Śāntarakita on the Emotions”, World View and Theory in Indian Philosophy, Warsaw Indological Studies Series, Vol. 5, ed. by Piotr Balcerowicz (Delhi: Manohar, 2012), pp. 263-276


Encyclopedia article:

  • The Concept of Emotion in Classical Indian Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Book reviews:

  • “Mark Siderits, Tom Tillemans, Arindam Chakrabarti (eds.), Apoha: Buddhist Nominalism and Human Cognition”, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2012.03.33,
  • Jitendra Nath Mohanty, Explorations in Philosophy: Essays by J.N. Mohanty.
    Vol. 1: Indian Philosophy”
    , Mind, 113.450: 372-375, 2004
  • Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind: The Nyaya Dualist Tradition”, Mind, 110.440: 1066-1069, 2001




Professional Development


  • Development of a study abroad program at Salisbury University with the University of Pune, India (the first five programs took place in January 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015)
  • Coordinator of the South Asian Studies Minor at Salisbury University






  • “Philosophy in Music”, radio program on NPR station WSCL co-hosted with Kara Dahl Russell, October 2013 (daily), repeated in July 2014
  • “Free Will and Attention in Indian Philosophy”, Harvard Workshop on Mind and Attention, Harvard University, 22 September 2013
  • “Free Will in Indian Philosophy”, Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy, Columbia University, NYC, 26 April 2013
  • Santaraksita on the Emotions”, World and Theory in Indian Philosophy, Casa Asia, Barcelona, Spain, April 2009
  • “Freud on Emotions and Affects”, 31st Annual Philosophy Colloquium, Towson University, November 2006
  • “Teaching by example: upamana and education”, 9th East-West Philosophers' Conference, University of Hawai'i, June 2005
  • “PPE – Prozac, Philosophy, and Emotion”, Cambridge University Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, May 2000
  • Dignaga and the Raven Paradox”, Philosophy Society, King’s College London, November 1999
  • “Being in Two Minds: The Divided Mind in the Nyayasutras”, Research Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, May 1999







Associated Press Award for Outstanding Specialty Reporting from Chesapeake Associated Press Broadcasters Association for radio program “Philosophy in Music” (with Kara Dahl Russell, WSCL)


Participant in NEH Summer Seminar Understanding Buddhism Through Its Classic Texts, July 8 – August 2, 2013, Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages, Berkeley, California


Participant in NEH Summer Institute Investigating Consciousness: Buddhist and Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives,
May 21 – June 2, 2012, College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina



Clare Hall Bursary


Cambridge European Trust Studentship







Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of History and Philosophy of Science; my thesis deals with philosophical theories of emotions and is entitled “Is Emotion the Colour of Thought? Philosophical Reflections” (graduation date: 11 May 2002)


Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Master of Philosophy (High Pass), Department of History and Philosophy of Science; dissertation entitled “Is Psychoanalysis Relevant to Current Philosophy of Mind?”


University of Pune, India
Visiting Student, Department of Sanskrit and Prakrit Languages
Introductory Sanskrit Course


King’s College London, University of London
MA in Philosophy (High Pass); dissertation entitled “Social Phenomena and the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis”; papers in Indian Philosophy, Wittgenstein, and Philosophy of Psychology


University College London, University of London
BA Honours in Philosophy (2.1); papers in Logic and Methodology, Epistemology and Metaphysics, Political Philosophy, History of Philosophy (ancient and modern), Continental Philosophy, and Philosophy of Psychology


Gymnasium Buckhorn, Hamburg, Germany
Abitur (1.7)




Teaching Experience



Professor, Philosophy Department,
Salisbury University

·        Biotechnology and Philosophy (co-taught)

·        Buddhist Philosophy

·        Contemporary Moral Issues

·        Critical Thinking

·        Free Will in Indian Philosophy

·        Introduction to Asian Philosophy

·        Introduction to Philosophy

·        Junior Seminar: The Limits of Thought

·        Mind, Language and World: Themes in Analytical Philosophy

·        Minds, Brains and Computers

·        Mysticism and Rationality in Indian Philosophy

·        Philosophy and Culture

·        Philosophy of Science

·        Proseminar: Plato, Berkeley, Wittgenstein

·        The Self in Indian Philosophy

·        Senior Seminar: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason

·        Senior Seminar: The Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein

·        Symbolic Logic



Associate Professor, Philosophy Department,
Salisbury University


Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department,
Salisbury University



Temporary lecturer (1 semester), Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham

·        Buddhist Epistemology (first and second year students)

·        Indian Philosophy of Mind (third year students)

·        Objectivity, Reason, and Value (first and second year students)



Part-time lecturer (Matilal lectureship), Department of Philosophy, King’s College London, University of London

·        Intercollegiate lecture course on Indian Philosophy (second and third year students)


Temporary lecturer (1 semester), Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham

·        Buddhist Epistemology (first and second year students)

·        Elementary Logic 2 (first year students)

·        Reason and the Passions (third year students)



Supervisions in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge

·        Freud, Psychoanalysis, and the 20th Century (third year students)

·        Phenomenological Philosophy of Mind (third year students)

·        Philosophy of Mind (third year students)

·        Philosophy of Science (second year students)

·        Supervision of undergraduate dissertation on Freud (third year student)


Supervisions in the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

·        Philosophy of Language and Logic (first year students)

·        Philosophy of Mind (second and third year students)

·        Supervision of extended essays on History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind (third year students)




Service at Salisbury University (LAST 5 YEars only)


University and School level

  • Fulton Public Humanities Committee (since 2016)
  • General Education Working Group on Student Learning Outcomes (since 2016)
  • Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (PACE) Steering Committee (since 2013)
  • Delmarva Public Radio Working Group (since 2013)
  • University Library Committee (2013-2016; Chair 2013-14)
  • Fulton Faculty Grants Committee (2013-2015; Chair 2014-15)
  • Cultural Affairs Committee (2013-2016)
  • Search Committee for Assistant Professor in French (2011-12 and 2014-2015)
  • Tenure Committee for Claire Kew (Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies) (until 2013)
  • Tenure Committee for Aurélie Van de Wiele (Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies) (since 2015)
  • International Education Committee (2009-2012; Chair 2010-11)


Departmental level

  • Department Chair (2012-present)
  • Secretary of Phi Sigma Tau (Philosophy Honor Society) (2011-present)
  • Search Committee Chair for Assistant Professor of Philosophy (2013-2014)
  • Co-advisor to the Philosophy Club (2011-2012)




Work Experience



Editorial work on the manuscripts of Ludwig Wittgenstein for the Vienna Edition of Wittgenstein’s works, edited by Michael Nedo, published by Springer, Vienna and New York


I worked as a trainee for Deutsche Bank and for British Petroleum (both in Hamburg, Germany)






·        German (native speaker)

·        good knowledge of French

·        working knowledge of Sanskrit

·        Latin (four years at school)



Template © 2003 Salisbury University
Content © 2020 Joerg Tuske