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Dr. Joerg Tuske
Department of Philosophy




Curriculum Vitae

Department of Philosophy


Office location: Philosophy House, Rm 203
Office hours: MWThF 1-2pm
Office phone: (410) 677-5369
Fax: (410) 677-5075
Pronouns: he/his/him




Is the mind different from the brain? What is the self? Is rational thought free from emotions? How does thought relate to language and how does language relate to the world? Can (some) machines think? These are some of the questions that I try to address in my work, which falls in the areas of philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of science and philosophy of psychology. My interests include not only Western philosophy and its history, but also classical Indian (including Buddhist) philosophy. I attempt to make Indian philosophy relevant for Western philosophers. In addition to courses in the areas of Asian and Buddhist philosophy, I teach courses entitled ‘Minds, Brains and Computers’, ‘Mind, Language and World’ and ‘Philosophy and Culture’. I have published articles in the areas of Indian logic, epistemology and philosophy of mind and I am currently working on theories of the emotions in Indian philosophy.
Although a native of Germany, I completed my undergraduate studies and MA in philosophy at the University of London in the UK, before studying Sanskrit at the University of Pune in India. I returned to the UK and received my MPhil and PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge. During my time as a graduate student, I taught at the University of Nottingham and King’s College London. Before joining the philosophy department at SU in 2003, I worked as Assistant Editor on the Vienna Edition of the writings of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.
I have been attracted by the pluralistic approach to philosophy at SU. The department encourages different and innovative approaches to philosophical questions and emphasizes a Socratic approach to teaching. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to teach courses in Asian philosophy.