Garden Tour 1996

Joe & Mindy's Real Garden!!
Summer 96

We come from the earth,
We return to the earth,
And in between we garden.

Meow & Welcome! Whatever Mindy & Joe have told you about the garden is not true. You see it is really my garden. Who am I? I am Kozmo. About one year ago I saw two lonely people who needed some guidance and fun in their lives, so I adopted them. I had been living on my own. You know, exploring the world, sewing my wild oats, and doing plenty of yeowling at the moon. But, I decided to settle down and share my enormous experience and life lessons with other friendly creatures. I have since trained Joe & Mindy to scratch my back occasionally, feed me, and tend my garden. I love the garden. I spend hours a day sneeking in around the flowers and plants, and I love to chase butterflies.

First, I had to convince Joe that it was possible to start garden plants from seed. Mindy already knew this, but needed my extra help to actually get Joe to help plant the seeds, get some flourescent lighting, and order seeds from a catalog. You see, Joe was secretly afraid he would lose extra trips to the garden nursery. But, as any obsessed gardener will tell you, this is just not going to happen. Meow, Purrrrr...... people are so funny sometimes.

Let's move out into the garden and decide what to look at first. There are many different plants to scratch around and lay on top of...oops, meow... Joe is giving me a dirty look. I meant to say that the garden has many flowers and plants to view and enjoy. Now, hmmmmm, purrrr... what would you like to follow me to?

Annuals Planets I only get to play with during the summer.

Perennials I can hide in these year after year.

Houseplants These are always in my way at the window.

Final Thoughts Don't go here until you finish the tour.

Last modified Aug. 20, 1997@01:00CST
Copyright © Joseph & Mindy Howard. All rights reserved.