
 Joe & Mindy's Houseplants!!

Hey! What are you doing? I'm curious! Really, I gotta know. I think you were trying to sneek up on me, weren't you!? There is a saying that curiosity is bad for a cat, only leading to a cat's doom. Well, that is as untrue as aroma-free kitty litter. If a cat does not stay informed, how can she expect to get fed, have her tummy scratched, and snooze on the bed at the appropriate times? Besides, I bet you are curious about Joe & Mindy's houseplants? As you might guess, all of my window ledge space inside is taken up by Joe and Mindy's houseplants. It is sometimes very frustrating to fight my way into the window. Cats like me all LOVE to snooze on a warm window ledge or watch the birds outside. Ready? Let's go!


 Asplenium nidus-avis - "Bird's Nest Fern"
Picture, Picture1, Picture2

     The Aspleniums or Spleenworts need shade and a moist atmosphere. The Bird's Nest Fern's spear-like leaves surround the fibrous "nest" at the center. Not a difficult plant to grow, but you must not handle the young fronds.

 Begonia argenteo-guttata - "Angel Leaf"

     These Begonias are the giants of the group, reaching six feet or more if left unpruned. This is a "cane-stemmed" type. This particular variety is bushy and the flower is very rare. Actually our plant bloomed for the first time in at least 8 years this summer. We were much surprised.


 Blue Plumbago - Picture

     Clusters of sky blue flowers appearing throughout summer and autumn make the Cape Leadwort an outstanding house plant when trained around a window. It can aslo be placed outside during summer in a partly shady area of the garden. This vigorous climber can be kept as an interesting plant on a sunny windowsill. The secret of success is to keep it cool throughout the winter and early spring.

 Bougainvillea - Picture1 Picture2

 Chlorophytum Comosum - "Variegatum" "Spider Plant"

     This is one of the most popular house plants. It is quick growing with attractive arching leaves, and in spring and summer the cascading wiry stems produce small white flowers followed by tiny plantlets.  I have had our particular plant since 1976!! It is indestructable and will provide many many plantlets to give away.

 Dieffenbachia amoena - Poisonous.

 Fatsia japonica- "Castor Oil Plant"

     An excellent specimen plant. It prefers a cool, well ventilated and bright condition but it is extremely durable, accepting a wide range of conditions. Flower heads rarely appear. Poisonous.

 Fern - "Unknown" Picture

 Ficus - "Benjamina" - Picture1

     I like to call this the "Don't Move Me!" plant. The ficus tree hates to be moved from one environment to another. If you do move it, be prepared for it to lose 1/2 to 3/4 of its leaves. It does come back when (and if) it gets use to its new surroundings. If you buy one, bring it home, and soon there after it looks like it has died,....don't give up....give it a month or two ..before.. you declare it dead. It is probably still shocked and aclimating to its new home. Once the plant is established you will wonder if it will ever ..stop.. growing.

 Ficus pumila

     The word "Ficus" conjures up a picture of Rubber Plants, but there are lowly species which are useful as trailers or climbers. This variety produces a dense green carpet...the stems will cling to any damp surface and so is an excellent climber. The leaves are very fern-like.

 Heptapleurum arboricola - "Parasol Plant"

     A fast growing tree-like plant with about ten leaflets radiating from each leaf-stalk. Its main advantage over its close relative "Schefflera" is that it will happily grow as a bush if the growing point of the main stem is pruned.


 Monstera deliciosa - "Swiss Cheese Plant" Picture1


 Philodendron scandens - "Sweet Heart Plant"

 Scindapsus aureus - "Pothos" "Devil's Ivy" Picture

 Syngonium podophylium - "Emerald Gem" "Goosefoot Plant"

     An unusual feature of the plant is a dramatic change in leaf shape which takes place as the plant gets older. The young leaves are arrow shaped and borne on erect stalks. At this stage the varigation is boldest and  brightest. With age the stems aquire a climbing habit and need support ... at the same time the leaves become lobed. The juvenile form can be retained by cutting off the climbing stems as they form.

Last modified Aug. 20, 1997@01:00CST
Copyright © Joseph & Mindy Howard. All rights reserved.