Assignment 2

cmat 131     sharma

horizontal rule

Class Schedule
Sample Formats


1. Write the script for a :30 multi-voice, dramatic radio commercial for Bigelow tea.

2. Attach a separate sheet of paper with details on your primary audience and the CSP you will be using in the ad.

The client does not wish to have any celebrity endorsement type of commercial.


1. Read the materials discussed in class. What makes a Good radio ad?  What makes a Bad radio ad? examples of Killer Cliches.

2. Use the correct format used in radio copy.

3. Avoid "Printese." Radio copy should be conversational. Copy is meant for the "listener" and not the "reader."

4. Voice the copy. Read it aloud to see how it sounds. If you are breathless at the end of a long sentence, break it up into two or three short ones.

5. Time copy aloud. Even if your word count conforms to the :30 spot (65-70), time the copy while reading it aloud. Allow time for music and SFX.

6. Use present and active tense. Avoid "might, was, will, may, could" etc.

Say: When thirsty, drink tea. NOT : If you are thirsty, you may want to drink tea.

7. Avoid uncertain pronouns. Listeners cannot remember the referents for pronouns like "he, she, them, they, it or that." It is confusing to know who or what exactly is "he" or "it." The exception is the pronoun "you" which is recommended for use since it makes the listener get involved.

8. Paint a backdrop. People do not exist in a vacuum. Use sfx, dialogue or music to reflect a locale or setting.

9. Use SFX judiciously. Do not expect SFX to identify sounds that are not easily identifiable. E.g.: SFX: WATER BEING POURED INTO A CAR RADIATOR.

How will the listener know that it is water and not some other liquid? How will the listener know that the receptacle is a radiator? Remember, the audience cannot see the visuals; rather they picture it through the use of sounds.

10. Use music, if needed, to relate to the purpose and mood of the commercial. Use appropriate music.

11. Use proper SLUG (ID) to identify your script.


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