MATH 100 College Algebra: A Modeling Approach

Fall 2008 Assignments and Tests

View the "Guidelines for Written Work."

Each assignment you submit must be enclosed in a cover sheet employing a prescribed format. Information on "The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets" can be found by following the link below. Submit written solutions for the exercises in parentheses and any other exercises where you are instructed to provide a written solution.  You should do the other exercises for practice or self-testing.  All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date. 

No late papers will be accepted.

The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets.

Go directly to:

Assignment #1 - Due on Monday, September 8

1.)  If you have not already done so, activate your computer account.

Log in on the campus computer system and do the following:
a) Read any incoming e-mail from your instructor you find in your mail box.
b) If you choose to use an e-mail account other than your SU GroupWise account, you may do so.  However, you must arrange to have your e-mail to your campus account forwarded to your preferred account.  Instructions for forwarding your e-mail can be found on SU's Help Desk's web site.  For help with your Groupwise account, go to
c) Access the home page for this course.  (
d) Follow the appropriate links and read the letter "To the Student," the "Course Syllabus," your "Instructor's Policies," and the "Guidelines for Written Work.".

2.)  Read your text's authors' message "To the Student" in the preface to the textbook.  (pp. vii-viii)

3.)  Complete the "Algebra Review Exercises" and check your answers.  Try to understand why your responses were incorrect for any items you missed.  Be prepared to ask questions in class about any items you do not understand and any items for which you are not confident that you explain how to determine the correct answer.  Do not turn in these exercises but include them in your course notebook.

4.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises (pp. 17-20): 1-21 odd, (36  See pp. 9-11), 41 (See pp. 15-16)

        Exercises (p 31):  3, 11, 19, 23, 27, (32), 35, 43, (46)

        Link to a student's solution for exercise #36 in Section 1.1.

        Link to a sample write up for some exercises on Assignment #1.


Be sure to present your write-ups inside the expected cover sheet.  The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets.


5.)  Start organizing your course notebook.   You must keep all your written work related to this course (graded and non-graded exercises, class work, class notes, quizzes, and tests) organized in a notebook.  When you come to your instructor for help, you will be expected to bring your course notebook containing your worked-out exercises and solution attempts with you.


Assignment #2 - Due on Monday, September 15


Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises (pp. 45-48):  1-29 odd; (12), (28), (30), 33, (34)

        Chapter Test (p. 50):  1-9 odd

        Exercises (pp. 70-73):  1-27 odd; (14), (20), 31, 33, (34), (40)

        Exercises (pp. 83-87):  1-13 odd, (14), 15, 27, (32), 35, (36)  In #36 measure time in years since 1985.

Link to Comments on Papers Submitted for Assignment #2

Link to some sample solutions for items on Assignment #2


Assignment #3 - Due on Monday, September 22


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

    Exercises (pp. 112-119):  1-13 odd, 23, 25, (26), (34), (36), (42)

    Exercises (pp. 127-130):  1, 5, 9, 13, 21, (22), 35, (36), (42)

Click on the link below and complete the "Algebra Review Exercises."  Check your answers.

Link to "Algebra Review Exercises"

Link to follow to check your answers.

Link to a student's write up for #42 on pp. 112-119.

Link to a few more sample solutions for exercises on this assignment.


Study Guide for Test #1 - Friday, September 26


Neither calculator nor notes may be used while taking the test.

Test #1 will cover course objectives 1.1.1 through 2.4.2 inclusive in the "Course Objectives for Fall 2008."  (Do some of the suggested exercises.)

Be sure you can do calculations like those in the "Algebra Review Exercises."  (Solutions for "Algebra Review Exercises")

Be sure you can do calculations like those in the Basic Skills Assessment.   (Solutions for "Basic Skills Assessment")

Find solutions for linear equations like those in "Diagnostic Review #3."  (Solutions for Diagnostic Review #3)

Do the Chapter Test on page 50.

Do the Chapter Test on pages 133-134.

Link to Practice Test #1

Link to some sample solutions for items on Test #1


Assignment #4 - Due on Friday, October 3


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

    Exercises (pp. 163-170):  1, 3, 7, 11, (12), 13, (14), (20), (26), (30), (32), (38)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #4


Assignment #5 - Due on Friday, October 10


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

     Read and work through Section 4.1 Functions and Graphs in your text (pp. 225-239).

    Exercises (pp. 240-246):  1-27 odd (Compare your answers with those in the back of the text.), (30), (32), 33, 51-59 odd

     Read and work through Section 4.2 Functions and Equations in your text (pp. 246-263).

     Exercises (pp. 263-265):  5, 9, 13, 19, 21 (  27, 31, (42), 43


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #5


Assignment #6 - Due on Friday, October 17


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

    Exercises on pp. 222-223:  (6)

    Exercises (pp. 263-265): 25-37 odd (Compare your answers for these with those in the back of the book.), (40)

    Read and work through Section 4.3 Notation for Functions in your text (pp. 266-275). 

    Exercises (pp. 276-279):  1, 17, 19, 21, 27, (30), 35-49 odd (Compare your answers for these with those in the back of the book.),  (52), (56)

    Read and work through Section 4.4 Composition and Inversion of Functions.

    Exercises (pp. 291-294):  1-9 odd, (8)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #6


Assignment #7 - Due on Friday, October 24


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.

    Exercises on pp.  341-343:  5, 11, 17, 19, 23, 27, 29, 39, 41, 45, 47, 53, 57, 63, 65, 73, (84), (86)

    Exercises on pp.  355-358:  3, 7, 11, 15, 21, 27, 39, 41, 43.

    Exercises on pp.  355-358:  In each case write out a functional model for the situation, and use that model (rule) in addressing the problem.  (59), (61), (62)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #7


Study Guide for Test #2 - Friday, October 31


This test will have two parts.  Part I will be very brief and no calculators will be allowed. 

After you turn in Part I, you may use calculators on Part II. No notes may be used while taking the test.

Test #2 will cover course objectives 1.1.1 through 5.2.2 inclusive in the "Course Objectives for Fall 2008" with heavy emphasis on objectives 3.1.1 through 5.5.2.   You should do some of the suggested exercises.  The sections in the text emphasized will be 3.1, 4.1-4.4, 5.1, 5.2.


Chapter 1-3 Test (pp. 222-223):  5

Exercises (pp.163-165):  13, 27, 29 

Exercises (pp. 263-265):  25, 37

Exercises (pp. 276-279):  27, 35, 39, 47

Exercises (pp. 276-279):  15, 25

Chapter 4 Test (p. 324):  2, 5, 6

Exercises (pp. 355-357):  27, 39, 57, 59

Chapter 5 Test (p. 417)1-4 all, 7, 10, 12a (Just write the equation.)


Link to some sample solutions for items on Test #2


Assignment #8 - Due on Friday, November 7


Do the following exercises.  When working problems under the heading "Applications, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Exercises (pp. 391-392):  1-33 odd.

Exercises (pp. 391-392):  In each case write out a functional model for the situation, and use that model (rule) in addressing the problem.  (34), (36), (44)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #8


Assignment #9 - Due on Friday, November 14


Do the following exercises.  When working "applications" problems, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, specify an appropriate functional relationship, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Exercises (pp. 412-414):  5, 19, 21, 23, 27, 51, (54), (84 Use the formula in the notes for 11/07/2008), (90), (94)

Chapter Test (pp. 417):  1-9 all, (10)

Exercises (pp. 438-443):  (58)  See the notes for 11/07/2008.


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #9


Assignment #10 - Due on Friday, November 21


Do the following exercises.  When working "applications" problems, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, specify an appropriate functional relationship, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Exercises (pp. 438-443):  7, 8, 9, (12), (14), (64), 65, 69

Exercises (pp. 453-456):  41, (46), (52 In parts (b) and (c) use the ratio test; not the logarithm test) 

Exercises (pp. 473-477):  You may use "try and test"  or graphical methods to solve the following:  1, (2), 3, (4)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #10


Assignment #11 - Due on Monday, November 24


Do the following exercises.  When working "applications" problems, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, specify an appropriate functional relationship, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Exercises (pp. 507-514):  1, 3, (6), (8), 13, 15, (14), (18), (42), 43, (44)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #11


Study Guide for Test #3 - Wednesday, December 3


No notes may be used while taking the test, but calculators will be allowed.  (No cell phone calculators though.)

Test #3 will cover course objectives 1.1.1 through 6.4.5 inclusive in the "Course Objectives for Fall 2008" with heavy emphasis on objectives 5.2.1 through 6.4.5.   You should review the kinds of problems we have been working in class and do some of the following suggested exercises:

Exercises on p. 355-356: 1, 1-15 odd, 27, 35, 59, 61

Exercises on pp. 375-376:  1, 3, 15, 19, 23

Exercises on pp. 391-392:  7, 17, 25, 33, 37, 39

Exercises on pp. 412-414:  (OK to use a calculator technique.) 73, 89, 93

Exercises on pp. 438-439:  (OK to use a calculator technique.) 7, 9,13, 17, 25, 27, 57, 63

Exercises on pp. 452-454:  1, 3, 4, 53, 56

Exercises on pp. 507-509:  (OK to use a calculator technique.) 1-11 odd, 33, 35, 41

Chapter 5 Test (p. 417):  1-9, 10, 12

Chapter 4-6 Test (pp. 520-522):  1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10


Link to a practice test for Test #3  (Link to some sample solutions for items on the practice Test #3.)

Link to some sample solutions for items on Test #3


Assignment #12 - Due on Monday, December 8


Do the following exercises.  When working "applications" problems, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, specify an appropriate functional relationship, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6 (pp. 520-522):  1, 5, (6), 10

Exercises (pp. 544-549):  5, (10), 11, (14), 21, (22), (24), 27, 35


Link to some hints for exercises on Assignment #12.

Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #12


Assignment #13 - Due on Friday, December 12

Do the following exercises.  When working "applications" problems, be sure to clearly identify all variables you introduce, specify an appropriate functional relationship, make your thought process evident to the reader, and clearly state your conclusions using complete English sentences.  Be sure you address the issues expected in the exercise.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook.


Exercises (pp.565-571):  (24), 37, (42)


Link to sample solutions for items on Assignment #13


Final Exam - The final exam for MATH 100-001 (10:00 am class) is at 8:00 am on Thursday, December 18.

                     The final exam for MATH 100-007 (9:00 am class) is at 8:00 am on Tuesday, December 16.


In studying for the Final Exam you should carefully go over items like those on Tests #1, #2, and #3.  In addition you should revisit the  "Algebra Review Exercises"  we considered at the beginning of the course. 


Study the  "Course Objectives for Fall 2008"In particular look at the objectives for Chapter 7.

Link to a Practice Final Exam


Here are some exercises on quadratic functions you should consider also.


Page 545:  11, 14, 18, 21

Page 590:  27


Link to a grade calculation worksheet.  Use this worksheet to calculate your own anticipated grade in this course.