MATH 115.  Introduction to Mathematical Modeling


Some Class Sessions:

         Session 1   (Round Robin Tournament)
           Session 2   (CO2 Concentration - Linear Model)
         Session 3   (Fit a Linear Model to Data - An Example)
         Session 4   (Sample Write-Up for Example of Session 3)
         Session 5   (Work with Excel Spreadsheets- An Example)
         Session 6   (Stretch of a Bungee Cord Revisited)
           Session 7   (Stretch of a Spring - An Experiment)
         Session 8   (Sample Write Up:  page 1 , page 2 , page 3 )
         Session 9   (Group Work - Activities in Yellow Modeling Text)
         Session 11 (Group Work - Curve Fitting)
         Session 13 (Notes: page 1 , page 2Figurate Numbers - A Link)
           Session 14 (Model Predicting The Number of Autos in the US)
           Session 15 (Fit a Quadratic Model to Data - An Example)
           Session 19 (Fit a Quadratic Model to Data - Another Example)
         Session 20 (Falling Body Problem)
           Session 21 (Exponential Growth)
         Session 22 (Fitting an Exponential Model to Data)
         Session 25 (Peg Game, Tower Puzzle)
           Session 29 (Weightlifting Records)
           Session 31 (Planets' Year Lengths - Orbital Periods)
           Session 35 (Logistic Growth - A Sorghum Plant's Growth)
           Session 37 (US Population Growth to 1900)

Sample Write-Ups:

Write-up for the problem of Session #1

Reference Sheets:

          Summary of Four Types of Growth
        Polya's Problem Solving Process
        Guide to Writing Up a Model Developed from Data
        Scoring Rubric for Mathematical Modeling Portfolio

Course Exams:

           Link to Midterm Exam (Due at 10:00 AM on Monday, April 5)
           Link to Final Exam (Due at 10:00 AM on Monday, May 17)

Other Links for This Course:

        Course Home Page
        Dr. Kalman's home page.
        Dr. Kalman's Web Site for "Elementary Mathematical Models"
        Maryland Collaborative for Teacher Preparation (MCTP)
         Science and Engineering Module (COMAP)
         Elementary Mathematical Models with Spreadsheet Applications

Course Home Page