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COSC 330 OO Design, GUI and Event-driven Programming (Spring 2024)

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Dates of Exams
Final exam date: TBD.
Course Description:
This course covers three important topics in modern software development: 1) object-oriented programming including object-oriented concepts and design patterns, 2) graphical user interfaces (GUI) design and development, and 3) event-driven programming. Three hours lecture per week.
Required textbook:
There is NO required textbook for this course. The course materials are mainly selected from the following three reference books and some are adopted from journals and over the Internet. All lecture materials will be provided at this web page.
Reference books:
“Head First Design Patterns” (3ed) by Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Freeman; O'Reilly, 2004.
“Head First Android Development” (2nd) by Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths, O'Reilly, 2017.
“Design Patterns - elements of reusable object-oriented software” by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
One midterm (25%), final exam (25%),Projects (30%),Lab assignments (20%)
Your final letter grade will be based on the standard formula
(0 <= F < 60, 60 <= D < 70, 70 <= C < 80, 80 <= B < 90, 90 <= A <= 100)
You need to have a total grade above 90% and an above 90% average in projects to get an A in the course;
You need to have a total grade above 80% and an above 80% average in projects to get an B in the course;
You need to have a total grade above 70% and an above 70% average in projects to get an C in the course;
Lecture attendance policy:
Attendance is an extremely important part of this course. Poor attendance will be penalized by up to 5% of your final grade.
Make-up policy:
Make-up exams for lecture are only allowed in extreme circumstances and should be approved by the instructor prior to the actual exam date. This policy is not negotiable.
Late work policy:
Late work for both lecture and lab will be penalized 50%. Work handed in more than 5 days late will not be accepted and will be given a score of 0 points. This policy is not negotiable.