MATH 155 Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis

Spring 2011 Assignments and Tests

View the "Guidelines for Written Work."

Each assignment you submit must be enclosed in a cover sheet employing a prescribed format. Information on "The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets" can be found by following the link below. Submit written solutions for the exercises in parentheses and any other exercises where you are instructed to provide a written solution.  You should do the other exercises for practice or self-testing. 

Up to and including the date the assignment is due, you are invited to place solutions for exercises identified by an asterisk (*) on the chalk board prior to the start of class for optional credit.

All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the assigned due date. 

No late papers will be accepted.

The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets.

Go directly to:

Assignment #1 - Due on Tuesday, February 1

1.)  If you have not already done so, activate your computer account.

Log in on the campus computer system and do the following:
a) Access the the home page for this course

b) Follow the appropriate links and read the letter the "Course Syllabus," your "Instructor's Policies," and the "Guidelines for Written Work.".


2.)  Read Chapter 1:  Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking (pp. 3-18)


3.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Up to and including the date the assignment is due, you are invited to place solutions for exercises identified by an asterisk (*) on the chalk board prior to the start of class for optional credit. Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises 1.1 (pp. 18-22):  1.1-1.11 all, Applet Exercise 1.1, 1.12*, (1.14), 1.16*, 1.17*, 1.21*, (1.22)

  Link to sample student responses to aspects of Exercise 1.22.


Be sure to present your write-ups inside the expected cover sheet.  The Prescribed Format for Assignment Cover Sheets.


4.)  Do the following Minitab activity and turn in your output:


Go to the "Using Technology" section at the end of Chapter 1 (pp. 23-25).  Start a Minitab session and follow the steps used in the example "Creating and Listing Data with Minitab.  Try using MINITAB to calculate the basic statistics for column C7 (Age) for the data in the data file CEOPAY05.MTP on the "Student CD."  Look at the "Using Technology" section on pp. 23-25 for guidance.  The data file can be found on the CD under Assets/Data_Sets/MINITAB/Exercises/CEOPAY05.MTP.  Print out your session results.


5.)  Start organizing your course notebook.   You must keep all your written work related to this course (graded and non-graded exercises, class work, class notes, quizzes, and tests) organized in a notebook.  When you come to your instructor for help, you will be expected to bring your course notebook containing your worked-out exercises and solution attempts with you.


Assignment #2 - Due on Tuesday, February 8


1.)  Read Sections 2.1-2.6 in Chapter 2:  Methods for Describing Sets of Data  (pp. 26-75)


2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises 2.1-2.20 (pp. 34-38):  2.1, 2.5*, 2.7, (2.16)

        Exercises 2.21-2.41 (pp. 45-49):  2.25*, 2.26, 2.27, (2.28), 2.29, 2.31*, (2.32), (2.34)

        Exercises 2.42-2.45 (p. 50): 2.43

        Exercises 2.46-2.68 (pp. 58-61):  2.46-2.51 all, 2.53*, Applet Exercise 2.3, 2.61*

        Exercises 2.69-2.85 (pp. 65-67):  2.69-2.73 all, 2.77*, (2.78), Applet Exercise 2.6, 2.81*, (2.84)

        Exercises 2.86-2.102 (pp. 72-75):  2.87, (2.88), 2.89, (2.90), (2.94), 2.98*, (2.100)

Link to some sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #2

Assignment #3 -  Due on Tuesday, February 15   


1.)    Look over Sections 2.7 and 2.8 in Chapter 2:  Methods for Describing Sets of Data  (pp. 75-86)


2.)    Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

            Exercises 2.103-2.117 (pp. 77-79):  2.109, 2.111

            Exercises 2.118-2.135 (pp. 86-88):  2.119, 2.120, 2.123*, 2.125*, (2.126), Applet Exercise 2.7, (2.128)


        Link to some sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #3


Study Guide for Test #1  (Covers Chapter 1 and Chapter 2)  Thursday, February 17      


1.)  No calculators and no notes will be allowed for Test #1.  Bring a ruler, pencil, and eraser to the test session.


2.)  Work exercises like the following:

        Exercises 1.1-1.33 (pp. 18-22):  1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.16, 1.25

        Exercises 2.1-2.20 (pp. 34-36):  2.1, 2.4, 2.7

        Exercises 2.21-2.41 (pp. 45-49):  2.25, 2.28, 2.29, 2.34

        Exercises 2.42-2.68 (pp. 58-61):  2.46, 2.47, 2.51, 2.53, 2.59, 2.64

        Exercises 2.69-2.85  (pp. 65-67):  2.69, 2.70, 2.72, 2.79

        Exercises 2.85-2.102 (pp. 72-75):  2.86, 2.87, 2.88, 2.89, 2.91

        Exercises 2.103-2.117 (pp. 77-79):  2.103

        Exercises 2.118-2.135  (pp. 86-88):  2.120, 2.122, 2.123, 2.124, 2.125, 2.127

        Supplementary Exercises 2.151-2.192 (pp. 101-107):  2.151, 2.152, 2.158, 2.160, 2.161 parts a, b & d only, 2.164, 2.172, 2.174, 2.179a


        Here is a link to Test 1 given in Fall 2008.

        Here is a link to solutions for items on Test 1 given in Fall 2008.


Assignment #4 - Due on Thursday, February 24


1.)   Look over Sections 3.1-3.5 in Chapter 3:  Probability (pp. 113-148)


2.)    Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

            Exercises 3.1-3.32 (pp. 123-127):  3.1-3.8 all, 3.11*, (3.14), (Applet Exercise 3.1 a-d all), (3.18), (3.20), 3.23*, (3.26)

            Exercises 3.33-3.57 (pp. 134-138):  3.33-3.39 all, 3.41*, (3.42), 3.47*, (3.52)

            Exercises 3.58-3.93 (pp. 148-153):  (3.62), 3.63-3.69 odd, (3.74), 3.81, (3.84)


Assignment #5 - due on Tuesday, March 8


1.)   Look over Section 3.6-3.7 in Chapter 3:  Probability (pp. 141-156)

       Look over Sections 4.1-4.2 in Chapter 4:  Random Variables and Probability Distributions (pp. 169-178)


2.)    Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

            Round decimals to three or four decimal places.

            Exercises 3.58-3.93 (pp. 148-153):  (3.62), 3.63-3.69 odd, (3.72), 3.81, (3.80)

            Exercises 4.1-4.12 (pp. 172-174):  4.1, 4.2, 4.3, (4.4), 4.7

            Exercises 4.13-4.40 (pp. 179-183):  4.13-4-17 all, (4.16), (4.18), 4.19, (4.20), 4.21, (4.22), (4.24), (4.32)


        Link to some sample solutions for some exercises on assignments #4 and #5

        Link to sample write ups for 3.72, 3.80, and 4.32


Assignment #6 - Due on Thursday, March 17


1.)  Work through Sections 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 in Chapter 4 (pp. 183-210)


2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:
        Exercises 4.41-4.63 (pp. 194-196):  4.41, 4.43, 4.45, (4.46a following in-class example), 4.47, 4.49, (4.50), (4.52), (4.62)

        Exercises 4.64-4.92 (pp. 210-213):  4.64-4.67 all, (4.68),  4.69, (4.70), 4.71, (4.72), 4.73, (4.76a,b,c), (4.78), (4.84), 4.91, (Applet Exercise 4.6)


Link to sample solutions for exercises 4.46, 4.50, 4.52, and 4.62 on Assignment #6

Link to sample solutions for exercises 4.68 and 4.70 on Assignment #6

Link to sample solutions for exercises 4.72, 4.76, 4.78. and 4.84 on Assignment #6


Assignment #7 - Due on Tuesday, March 29


1.)  Work through Section 4.6 in Chapter 4 (pp. 213-218)


2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

      Exercises 4.93-4.111 (pp. 219-221):  4.93-4.97 all, (4.98), 4.99*, (4.100), (4.101), (4.110 See Exercise 2.32 of Assignment #2)


Study Guide for Test #2  Thursday, March 31 (Covers Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 up through Section 4.6)  


1.  The test will consist of two parts.  Calculators will be allowed on Part II.  No notes are allowed for either part.

2.  Link to a Study Guide for Test #2

3.  Link to a sample test for Test #2

4.  Work exercises like the following:

        In Chapter 3:  3.106, 3.108, 3.112, 3.115, 3.116, 3.123, 3.124, 3.141

        In Chapter 4:  4.162, 4.163, 4.167, 4.168, 4.169, 4.170, 4.172, 4.173, 4.175, 4.179, 4.180, 4.189


Link to some sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #7


Assignment #8 - Due on Tuesday, April 5


1.)  Read Section 3.7 In the text (pp. 154-165)

2.)  Exercises 3.94-3.105 (p. 157):  (3.98 part c only. 45 samples are possible.).

3.)  Do (Applet Exercise 3.6 parts a.-d.)  Write up this exercise.

4.)  Work through the process for generating a random sample with MINITAB outlined on page 166 of the text.

       Begin by loading the data EPAGAS.MTP into a MINITAB worksheet and then follow the instructions on p. 166.

       The data file is on your CD and on the K: drive.  On K: drive follow the path below.


       Have MINTAB calculate and print the basic statistics for C1 and C2.

       Print out and submit your worksheet.


Assignment #9 - Due on Tuesday, April 12


1.)  Read Section 4.8 in the text.227-232.

2.)  Exercises 4.131-4.139 (p. 233):  (4.138 Use MINITAB to do this exercise.  See the instructions on pp. 252-253.)

3.)  Read Section 4.9 in the text. (pp. 234-239)

4.)  Exercises 4.140-4.161 (pp. 239-242):  4.141, 1.142, 1.144, 1.145, (4.148).153, (Applet Exercise 4.7), (Applet Exercise 4.8)


Link to sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #9


Assignment #10 - Due on Tuesday, April 19


1.)  Work through Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3,and 5.5 in Chapter 5.

2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Be sure to state your conclusions using complete sentences!  Be sure your reasoning is clear to the reader!

        Exercises 5.1-5.24 (pp. 263-266):  (5.4), 5.6, 5.7, (5.8),  5.9, (5.10), (5.11 justifying your answers), (Applet Exercise 5.1), (5.16; See pp.166-167 for

        instructions on how to use MINITAB to selected the random sample for part b.)

        Exercises 5.25-5.43 (pp. 272-275):  (5.26), (Applet Exercise 5.4), 5.29, 5.31, (5.32), (5.40  In (d) find a p-value.)

        Exercises 5.62-5.82 (pp. 288-289):  (5.62), (5.70), (5.80)


Link to sample solutions for some exercises on Assignment #10


Assignment #11 - Due on Tuesday, April 26


Be sure to state your conclusions using complete sentences!  Be sure your reasoning is clear to the reader!

1.)  Work through Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 Chapter 6

2.)  Exercises 6.1-6.17 (pp. 307-308):  6.1-6.7 all, (Applet Exercise 6.1), (6.8), (6.12)

3.)  Exercises 6.18-6.35 (pp. 313-315):  6.19, 6.21, (6.24), (6.26), (6.30) 

4.)  Exercises 6.36-6.53 (pp. 320-322):  6.36-6.39, (6.38), (6.40), (6.44), (6.47), (6.48)

5.)  Exercises 6.54-6.72 (pp. 654-6.72):  (6.56), (6.60), (6.64), 6.69


Link to some sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #11


Study Guide for Test #3 (Covers Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 up to Sections 6.1-6.4)


1.  You may bring one 5" x 7" or one-half of an 8.5" x 11" piece of paper with notes.  You may use a calculator as long as it is not also a communication device.

2.  Supplementary Exercises 5.83-5.113 (pp. 292-295):  5.85, 5.86, 5.88, 5.94, 5.95, 5.101

     Supplementary Exercises 6.107-6.135 (pp. 344-346):  6.107-6.111 all, 6.114, 6.123, 6.127

3.  In addition to multiple choice items there will be exercises such as the following:

       Link to "In-Class Review of Hypothesis Testing"  (See tentative schedule for Week 12.)

       Link to Additional Review Exercises ; Solutions for Additional Review Exercises

       Link to Test 3 Fall 2008  (Omit item #22); Link to solutions for items in Test #3 Fall 2008

       Link to solutions for items on Test #3 Fall 2011


Assignment #12 - Due on Thursday, May 6


1.)  Work through Section 6.6 and Section 7.1 in Chapter 7.

2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises 6.92-6.109 (pp. 339-342):  6.92, 6.93, 6.94, (6.96), (6.98)

        Link to sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #12


Assignment #13 - Due on Tuesday, May 17  


1.)  Work through Section 7.4 in Chapter 7.

2.)  Do the following exercises.  Only submit written solutions for those exercises in parentheses.  Keep the others for inclusion in your course notebook:

        Exercises 7.1-7.27 on pp.365-370:  7.1, 7.2, 7.3, (7.4), (7.6), 7.9

        Exercises 7.28-7.47 on pp. 379-383: 7.28, 7.29, 7.30, 7.31, (7.32), (7.34)

        Exercises 7.60-7.76 on pp. 392-395: 7.63, (7.66), (7.70)

        Link to sample solutions for exercises on Assignment #13


Final Exam Information:  Tuesday, May 17 at 8:00 am in 150 HS


You may bring one 5" by 7" (maximum) piece of paper with notes and a calculator to the test session.  No electronic communication devices are allowed.  All notes and scratch paper must be turned in before you leave the test session.

The exam is comprehensive and multiple choice.  There is no penalty for guessing.  It is likely that grades on the exam will be curved.


Link to "Student Instructions for Sample Final"

Link to "Student Instructions for Final Exam"


Review for Final Exam (A Practice Test)

Solutions for Final Review


Link to a Grade Calculation Worksheet