Links for MATH 460.  Operations Research


Publisher & Author Provided Web Resources:

Web site for An Introduction to Management Science, 11e 

            Learning objectives for this course


Class Sessions:

Class Session #1:       Sample Problem.        (See Section 2.1 in textbook.)
Class Session #2        (See Section 2.2 in textbook.)
Class Session #3        Graphical Solution Procedure for LP Problems – Maximization

                                    Computer Solution of LP Problems & Interpretation of Output

                                    (See Sections 2.2. 2.3, 2.4 in textbook)

Class Session #4        Sample LP Problem ; Interpretation of Computer Output

Class Session #5        Sensitivity Analysis; Page 1; Page 2; Page 3

Class Session #6        A Minimization Problem; Interpretation of Computer Output

Class Session #7        Model Formulation – A Case Study; MS Solution; Excel a; Excel b ; Notes (Excel Output)

Class Session #8        Case Study – Scheduling Police Officers

Class Session #9        Discussion – Graphical Sensitivity Analysis & Associated Computations

Class Session #10      Simplex Algorithm Introduced

Class Session 11        Par, Inc. Revisited, Simplex Algorithm – An Introduction

Class Session 12        Simplex Algorithm – Practice & Interpretation

Class Session 13        Some Notes; Practice/Review Exercises

Class Session 14        Practice/Review Exercises Continued

Class Session 15        Test #1

Class Session 16        Tableau Form: The General Case

Class Session 17        Simplex Algorithm Special Cases; Sample Output

Class Session 18        Transportation Problem (Section 7.1)

Class Session 19        Simplex Based Sensitivity Analysis & Transportation Problem

Class Session 20        Transshipment Problem (Section 7.3)

Class Session 21        Case Study – Pollution on the Peacock, Questions/Discussion

Class Session 22        Case Study Continued, Questions/Discussion

Class Session 24        Case Study Wrap Up, Questions/Discussion

Class Session 25        Questions/Discussion

Class Session 26        Test #2

Class Session 27        Introduction to Markov Chain Processes (MCP)

Class Session 28        Absorbing MCPs

Class Session 29        Prepare Group Presentation

Class Session 30        Prepare Group Presentation

Class Session 31       Absorbing MCPs Continued

Class Session 32       MCPs - Summary, Example, and a Proof

Class Session 33       Assignment Problem (Section 7.2)

Class Session 34       Integer LP (Sections 8.1 & 8.2)

Class Session 35       Shortest Route Problem (Section 9.1)

Class Session 36       RHS Sensitivity Analysis (Section 6.1)

Class Session 37       Project Scheduling – PERT/CPM (Section 10.1)

Class Session 38       Goal Programming (Section 15.1)

Class Session 39       Introduction to Game Theory

Class Session 40       Two-person Zero Sum Games

Class Session 41       Fundamental Theorem of Game Theory

Class Session 42       Test #3 is Due, Some Review, Pecking Orders

Class Session 43        Discussion, Review, Examples, MCP Notes

Class Session 44        Discussion, Review, Examples

Class Session 45       Final Exam

Other Links:

Link to a web-based Java script simplex method tool

Link to a Java script pivot and Gauss-Jordan tool

Link to an On-Line Game Theory Utility & Simulation















































View the home page for this course.