MATH 465 Spring 2008 Assignments & Exams


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Assignment #1 - Due on Thursday, February 7


1)  Access the home page for this course.  Follow the appropriate links and read the "Tentative Course Syllabus" and the "Instructor's Policies, Office Hours, & Contact Information."


2)  Read the indicated sections in your text and work the exercises indicated below.  Turn in written solutions for only the exercises indicated in parentheses.

Link to some notes on Assignment #1.


Assignment #2 - Due on Tuesday, February 19


Read the indicated sections in your text and work the exercises indicated below. 

Turn in written solutions for only the exercises indicated in parentheses.

Read Sections 2.0 and 2.1 in the text.

Exercises 2.1 on pp. 33-36:  (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)

Link to some hints for some exercises in this assignment.

Link to some remarks on Exercise #4.

Link to sample write-ups for #2 and #4 in Exercises 2.1.


Assignment #3 - Due on Thursday, February 28


Read the indicated sections in your text and work the exercises indicated below. 

Turn in written solutions for only the exercises indicated in parentheses.

Read Section 2.2 in the text.  Work hard on understanding the math.  The reading may take some effort.

Exercises 2.2 on pp.48-50:  (1), (2), (3), (6), (7)  Solve #3 using partial fractions and direct integration.

Link to tips for #2 and #3 in Exercises 2.2

Link to sample work on Exercises 2.2: 1, 2, 6

Link to a print out of a spreadsheet to address exercises 6 and 7 in Exercises 2.2.


Assignment #4 - Due on Thursday, March 6


Read the indicated sections in your text and work the exercises indicated below. 

Turn in written solutions for only the exercises indicated in parentheses.

Exercises 2.3 on pp. 59-63:  (1), (2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (14) Be sure to justify your examples in #14

Link to some sample student solutions for Exercises 2.3


Assignment #5 - Due on Thursday, March 13


Read Section 2.4.

Exercises 2.4:  (1), 2, 3, (5), (6), (7)

Link to sample write ups for Exercises 2.4: 1a, 1d


Assignment #6 - Due on Tuesday, April 15


Read and look through Sections 3.0-3.4 (pp. 106-144) in the text.

Exercises 3.1:  (3), (4)

Exercises 3.2:  (1), (2), (9), (11), (12)

Exercises 3.3:  (1a, e), (3) Link to a hint for #1

Exercises 3.4:  (1d), (2), (3), (4), (9)

Link to sample write up for Exercises 3.4: 9


Assignment #7 - Due on Thursday, April 24


Read Sections 5.0-5.2 (pp. 212-231) in the text.

Exercises 5.1:  (1), (6), (8)

Exercises 5.2:  (3), (6), (12; omit part c.)


Assignment #8 - Due on Tuesday, May 6


Exercises 5.5:  (1)  Solve parts (a) and (b) using the Management Scientist software.  Illustrate the parts of this problem using the geometric (graphing) approach.


Link to sample write up for Exercises 5.5: 1