MATH 100 College Algebra: A Modeling Approach

Fall 2008 Tentative Weekly Schedule & Links to Study Guides for Tests


 The final exam for MATH 100-001 (10:00 am class) is at 8:00 am on Thursday, December 18.

The final exam for MATH 100-007 (9:00 am class) is at 8:00 am on Tuesday, December 16.

You may find the entire final exam schedule at

Link to a Grade Calculation Worksheet


Week 1:      Introduction to Course; Diagnostic Assessment #1; Basic Skills Assessment #2 

                    Proportional Relationships; (Diagnostic Review #3, "Algebra Review Exercises" )

                    Review of Elementary Concepts (Tables, Graphs, Equations)

                    Example of a Functional Model                   

Week 2:      Functional Relations; Graphing Linear Equations; Slope; Intercept

Week 3:      Parallel and Perpendicular Lines; Formulating and Solving Linear Equations; Equation of Line through Two Points;

                    Linear Interpolation; Inverse of a Linear Relation; Selected Applications; Linear Systems

Week 4:      Systems of Linear Equations; Applying Linear Equations; Test #1

Week 5:      Solving Linear Systems; Formulating and Solving Linear Systems; Patterns of Change

Week 6:      Functions & Graphs; Functional Notation; Families of Functions

Week 7:      Curve Fitting, Graphing Families of Functions; Composition and Inversion of Functions; Finding Inverse Functions

Week 8:      Calculations with Exponents; Exponential Functions; Applying Exponential Functions

Week 9:      Review; Compound Interest & Continuous Compounding; The Number e; Test #2

Week 10:    Applications of Continuous Compounding and the Ln Function; The Logarithm Function; Rules for Logarithms

Week 11:    Doubling Time and Half-Life; Identifying Exponential Relationships and Power Functions

Week 12:    Power Functions; Solving Exponential, Linear, & Power Equations; Fitting Exponential Functions to Data

                    Log Graph Paper; Semi-Log Graph Paper;  Review & Practice Matching Relationships to Graphs and Data

Week 13:    Introduction to Quadratic Functions; Test #3; Graphs of Quadratic Functions; Properties of Quadratic Functions;               

Week 14:    Properties of Quadratic FunctionsComparing Function Types; Solving Equations, Fitting Functions to Data and Graphs

Week 15:    The Final Exam for MATH 100-001 (10:00 am class) is at 8:00 am on Thursday, December 18.

                    The Final Exam for MATH 100-007 (9:00 am class)  is at 8:00 am on Tuesday, December 16.